
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Motivational Seminar With Saunak Bhatta
Pokhara Session

We Inspire Nepal (WIN)
WIN “We Inspire Nepal” is a capacity building and leadership development organization that enhances personal development of teachers, students and other stakeholders. This institution believes in creating an impactful difference in the lives of people through its innovative empowerment modules. WIN has been working with hundreds of educational institution all around the nation.
We Inspire Nepal has outreached over forty thousand Nepalese over last few years and have successfully brought paradigm shift in behavior, attitude and pattern of life of thousands of people. WIN gives a guarantee of transforming and enhancing performance of anyone it works with.
We Inspire Nepal have been successfully organizing Leadership and Personal development programs throughout the country with guaranteed outcomes. We have already organized Motivational Workshop named “Personal Revolution” in Pokhara with the presence of 300 amazing participants in association with Pokhara Lincoln International College.
 Currently WIN-Pokhara chapter is going to organize Mega Motivational Seminar with Saunak Bhatta on September 13th2014 (Bhadra 28th) in the collaboration with Pokhara Lincoln International College and PEN Edutech Network Pvt. Ltd. So it’s a bigger opportunity for the pokhreli youths to join such a life changing seminar. Let’s make this event successful. 
For more details:
Contact: Pokhara Chapter Leader (Bhijan Subedi)
Venue: Pokhara Lincoln International College Conference Hall, Simalchaur-8 Pokhara.
Time: 2 PM 
Motivational Seminar With Saunak Bhatta
Kathmandu Session

Popular youth figure and a source of inspiration for many – Saunak Bhatta took the stage on 10th June 2014 at the Pragya Pathisthan Bhawan, Kamaladi, Kathmandu for an event titled“Motivational Seminar with Saunak Bhatta” organized by We Inspire Nepal in partnership with different youth organizations, corporate agencies, youth networks, development agencies, business houses along with diver media collaboration. The organizers confirm that the event has gone onto become the biggest motivational seminar in Nepal till date with 1500+ participants. The event saw the presence of various influential figures from educational, business, development, political and service oriented institutions. The chief guest was Minister Mr. Narayan Khadka.
The event attracted a strong crowd aged between 16-30 and many have labeled it as a very powerful life changing event. The main session consisted by Saunak Bhatta lasted for two hours.
Amazing to see examples of such active youths inspiring others! Changing the way they think! And promoting positive energy!

Saunak Bhatta’s Portfolio:
Saunak Bhatta, is an Internationally Certified Speaker with awards such as Global Inspirational Voices Award, International Youth Council Member and many more. His endeavors have taken him to UK, Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India sharing his words with Business Executives, Civil Societies, NGO’s, INGO’s and people in diverse fields. (Source: We Inspire Nepal)
We Inspire Nepal - WIN is a Personal and Leadership Development organisation that raises inspired, interpersonally skilled, aware and motivated human resource via unique designs, formulas, trainings, inspirational campaigns, motivational seminars and skill based projects to bring best out of a person and nurtures them with qualities that makes them a better human every day

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