Motivational Seminar With Saunak Bhatta
Pokhara Session
Pokhara Session
We Inspire Nepal (WIN)
WIN “We Inspire Nepal” is a capacity building and leadership development organization that enhances personal development of teachers, students and other stakeholders. This institution believes in creating an impactful difference in the lives of people through its innovative empowerment modules. WIN has been working with hundreds of educational institution all around the nation.
We Inspire Nepal has outreached over forty thousand Nepalese over last few years and have successfully brought paradigm shift in behavior, attitude and pattern of life of thousands of people. WIN gives a guarantee of transforming and enhancing performance of anyone it works with.
We Inspire Nepal have been successfully organizing Leadership and Personal development programs throughout the country with guaranteed outcomes. We have already organized Motivational Workshop named “Personal Revolution” in Pokhara with the presence of 300 amazing participants in association with Pokhara Lincoln International College.
Currently WIN-Pokhara chapter is going to organize Mega Motivational Seminar with Saunak Bhatta on September 13th2014 (Bhadra 28th) in the collaboration with Pokhara Lincoln International College and PEN Edutech Network Pvt. Ltd. So it’s a bigger opportunity for the pokhreli youths to join such a life changing seminar. Let’s make this event successful.
For more details:
Contact: Pokhara Chapter Leader (Bhijan Subedi)
Venue: Pokhara Lincoln International College Conference Hall, Simalchaur-8 Pokhara.
Time: 2 PM