
Monday, February 13, 2012

Eye Training Exercises Can Give Your Eyes Hope

If you’re longing to improve your vision, eye comfort and processing ability for information, then you’ll be happy to know that there are eye training exercises such as visual therapy can help. You can use these exercises in combination with sessions that are controlled by an eye care professional to obtain the best results. Even if you don’t go to the eye doctor regularly, you can perform these exercises anywhere you desire. Not only can they improve ocular muscle response, but they also help you overcome learning disabilities that are associated with your vision.

You don’t need any special training and you don’t need any special equipment. All you need is time. The first exercise to train your eyes and keep them in good health includes the alpha ball. This exercise can actually be fun and can include other parties trying to improve or keep their eyesight healthy. What you’ll need is a beach or kick ball and a thick marker. Hang the ball from a string that is connected to the ceiling. Write letters on the ball with the magic marker of different sizes. When you’re finished, spin or swing the ball and call out the letters as you see them.

When it comes to associative skills, this exercise will help you improve them. Then there’s the thumb focusing exercise which is also easy to do. Hold out your thumb but at the level of your arms. Move it in slow circular motions and follow it with your eyes as you do. You should do this without moving your head and several times a day. This will increase the strength of your vision and help you keep your eyes active, healthy and functioning as they should be. You can also try heat eye training exercises. To do this, rub your hands together for at least a minute. During this time, they will generate heat between them.

Afterwards, put your warm palms over your eyes while they’re closed. Make sure that they have no contact with your eyelids while doing this. Inhale and exhale slowly and without applying any pressure to your eyes. You should do this for several minutes or until your eyes feel refreshed and focused. Another great exercise is detail focusing. This is where you take an object and focus on a particular detail of that object. It doesn’t matter what it is. Move the object away slowly, but continue to focus your eyes on that one detail. When that one detail starts to get blurry, then slowly bring the object back. This will help your eyes move back into focus, therefore improving your vision.

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